Belated (Un)happy New Year.

Yes, I know, it’s a bit late and just a reflection of how I’m feeling during these incredibly difficult times for us all. I sincerely hope that you are all well and staying as safe as you possibly can.

January is never a great month for a naturist or thong lover living in the UK as the weather is always depressingly grey, cold, wet and windy. Combining this with the usual post-Christmas and New Year celebratory comedown and the inevitable return to work, always makes for a challenging time of year at the best of times. Suffice to say, this pales into total insignificance given the seriousness of the global pandemic none of us would ever have imagined we would find ourselves in.

The usual beacon of hope for me at this time of year is to pleasantly daydream about the holidays I’d love to go on. This is always very swiftly followed by the online researching, planning, then booking of said holiday(s) where the opportunity to be minimally dressed or naked in fabulous weather on beautiful beaches or in stunning scenery is always a highlight. Alas, this simple pleasure and highlight of every one of my last 20 or so years has been taken away. The subsequent holiday booking is always combined with some much anticipated swim thong shopping where I look to buy around half a dozen new thongs in differing styles and colours specifically to wear on these joyous breaks.

It’s sad to think, although I’ve already resigned myself to the fact, that I’m realistically expecting not to be sunning myself in a swim thong on a Mediterranean beach until at least the middle of 2022 if I’m lucky. It’s only 18 months away but who’s counting?

I’ve even lost my appetite for my regular and long-standing fitness regime of lots of cycling combined with a fair amount of walking. I always feel so much more positive after the fresh air and endorphin release of exercise and am aware of the negative impact this is having on my current mood by missing out.

I’m not a particularly vain person, never have been, and care even less what others think of my appearance as I’ve got older. The only thing I’d like someone to think of me if they see me naked on a beach is that I still make the effort despite being firmly camped in middle-age. I feel that as I’m unlikely to be thonging or naked much this year, subconsciously, something is questioning as to why I should continue to make the physical effort required to maintain my current fitness level?

Just writing this piece about how I’m feeling during this particularly gloomy and rainy afternoon is actually making me feel a tiny bit more positive though. Despite the weather, I’ve vowed to go cycling three times a week and walk on at least two days to try and get me back to a better place mentally and physically.

I’ll forgo the swim thong shopping this year, I have plenty anyway. But, to cheer myself up, I’m going to order a couple of underwear thongs from brands which I’ve never tried before. Once they arrive, I’ll crank the heating up then model them and hopefully, this will have the potential to stir some distant urges from my partner, if I’m lucky.

I’m not a big fan of UK holidays but it looks like it’s probably going to be my only option this year. If I make it to a large enough and quiet beach, I’ll thong. And I’m still very keen to do a short naked countryside walk here, difficult on a small crowded island but at least I can start looking at some possibilities.

Ok, I’m feeling slightly more positive, my new, New Year’s Day looks to be the 1st February now. Take care, stay safe and roll on 2022!